Keep track of your vehicles with Kinesis Pro, track their location on a map in real-time and find out where they are and their speed.
Table of content
1. Map search from the console
1. Map search from the console
1.1 Searching an Area Using the Map Search Page
1. Open the Map Search page,
2. Open the map toolbar and search for the area/postcode/address/location,
3. Right-click on the resultant flag/address/location etc,
4. Choose Search this Area…
5. Complete the information for the search and wait for the results.

1.2 Searching the Results
The report will run, and the resultant Asset list displayed under the information of the search. Each Asset found, along with the number of entries, is listed. The Report itself can be downloaded in CSV format.
Result 1

Result 2

Open the Asset details to list each entry, the time this occurred, along with the time the Asset spent in the area. If Users would like to see the Trip in question, click the eye icon next to the time. This will take the User to the Trip History, where the search area is highlighted.
Result 1

Result 2

2. Map Search from Map
1.1 Searching an Area on the Overview Map using Right Click
1. Open the map toolbar and search for the area/postcode/address,
2. Right-click on the resultant flag or address etc,
3. Choose Search this Area…
4. Complete the information for the search and wait for the results.

1.2 Searching an Area on the Overview Map using the Pin
1. Open the map toolbar and search for the area/postcode/address,
2. Choose the pin and drop this on the result,
3. Click the Search icon.
4. Complete the information for the search, and wait for the results.

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